All Paper Aside… Let’s Talk You (Tips to Nail Your Next Interview) – CS Recruiting

How many times have you thought to yourself… “My resume and experience are perfect for this role – I am a shoo-in?” Well not so fast Turbo. In this day in age, resumes are not the end all be all. You and about 50 other candidates may share similar qualifications, circular bullet points that align just so, and verbiage on your resume including those typical keywords like “conducts”, “manage” and “responsible for”. So what else can you bring to the interview that will set you apart from the rest of the pack besides those flashy new shoes you picked up at the latest Nordstrom Anniversary sale?

Here we go… nailing an interview is actually due to your personality! Time and time again, interviewers follow their gut instinct and make a decision within 30 seconds of meeting you. More than ever, companies are looking for a candidate that exemplifies their core values, goals and personality characteristics of the company culture. I have seen the “perfect” candidate on paper placed in the front of the Hiring Manager, but after the interview, the candidate is rejected. Why? “They were not a cultural fit” AKA sorry we are swiping left instead of right.

So what does this mean for you? Should you Google the Meyers Briggs Personality Assessment for your interview this week so you can walk in and say I am an ENTJ? (Yes I am a nerd I know mine). Probably not, but here are some tips so you can connect with the company you are interviewing with:

  • Know ways to describe your personality and strengths that do not include average Joe terms… How many times do Hiring Managers hear “extrovert, team player and organized” in a day? Too many! I am a culprit of the latter, so be creative and find words that stand out about your genuine self!. What about “dynamic, tenacious and systematic”? You already sound better!
  • Know unique reasons why you WANT to be part of the company, and please do not say “looking for a challenge” DO YOUR RESEARCH! Honestly, ask yourself why do you want to join this company? Is it because you heard they encourage health and wellness, have standing desks, “work hard play hard”, or have fun competitions throughout the quarter? Let them know. They will be thrilled you did your research.
  • Be vigilant and speak to common interests. Look around. Does your interviewer have a framed diploma from your Alma Mater (I would yell OH-IO), a flag from oversees, US Military Metals, or have pictures of their family? Hiring managers like when you initiate a distinctive conversation-especially if you are interviewing in sales. Too nervous? Try it out.
  • Treat phone interviews as a real interview! Do not disregard a phone interview as a free pass. Hiring managers need to be convinced that you are worth the time to meet with you in person. Take this step seriously.
  • Use real-life examples and avoid generalizing. The best way to break down the façade is to discuss instances in your life that are REAL! (Maybe leave out how “tenacious” you were during that 30-second keg stand the weekend before) This creates more of a connection to your interviewer and warrants an opportunity for the interviewer to learn about you on an authentic level.
  • A for Attitude. If you are using the hashtag #onfleek more than once in a day this may apply to you. Find ways to incorporate a professional attitude into the mix. We all have unique personalities that need to shine, but air on the side of caution and keep out arrogance and amateur statements.

For more tips and information, check out our Logistics, Transportation & Supply Chain Industry Blog.