How the “Right” Hire can Encourage Company Growth – CS Recruiting

The hiring and firing of key employees within a company can be one of the main contributors to a company’s growth – after all, employees are the people who are working on your business each day. Sometimes, people who were the right hire at the time don’t seem to be living up to their expectations. Having unmotivated or lackluster employees can hinder morale in the workplace, causing stagnation in growth.

You’ve probably heard it time and time again – investing in “the right people” is the best way to permit continual company growth, but this can be a loaded statement. What constitutes a candidate to be considered “right” for a company?

Here, we outline some of the best hiring practices to abide by when recruiting and onboarding new employees.   

Hire for tomorrow, not just today. Job hopping is becoming more common among the American workforce today, especially among Millennials (individuals born between 1977 and 1997.) In fact, 91 percent of Millennials report that they expect to stay in a job for less than three years, Forbes reported. When employees are constantly leaving a company, this can hinder the growth of the business because of training, on-boarding, learning, etc. Qualities like passion, initiative, and cultural fit are strong indicators of whether a new hire will be the right hire for the long haul. Similarly, asking an individual what their 5-year or 10-year career plan is a worthy question to ask in hopes of accurately evaluating if a prospective employee is looking to stay with your company long-term.

Encourage high standards. You may think this is a given when training new employees and acquainting them with their work expectations, but demanding quality work and collaboration is important to communicate from day one. In terms of company growth, no matter the size of a logistics company, quality work can have a profound effect on a business’ success. Even just a 3 percent change in either direction in client relationship ratings can have a significant impact on the size of a company over the long run, according to The New York Times. Ensuring that each employee is producing quality results is key to the overall growth of a company.  

Empower employees to take on extra responsibilities. Wary of stepping on other employee’s toes, it can oftentimes be nerve-wracking for new employees to ask for more responsibilities or projects when starting at a company. Due to this caution, it’s important to take every opportunity to develop new hires’ skills and empower them to take on more responsibility for running day-to-day operations. Not only will this help you identify talent for leadership roles, but it will also give your junior managers the confidence and ability to take on more responsibility in driving the business’ success. Similarly, as these employees progress into leadership positions, this can ensure that they will have a stake and attachment to the company, which can help drive growth.  

Hiring the right people is oftentimes easier said than done, and that’s where CS Recruiting can help. CS Recruiting takes the pressure off of hiring managers or departmental heads to find the “right” employee, leaving them more time to focus on integral parts to a business’s operations.CS Recruiting and its team of highly acclaimed transportation, supply chain, and logistics recruiters can help with all of your recruitment and hiring practices today. 

If you're looking to add talent to your team, or just want to learn more about what's going on in the world of Supply Chain Recruiting, please Contact Us at any time.